Saturday, May 17, 2008


So once you start recycling and reusing things, the next step for me was to start reducing. I had to start thinking about whether or not I really needed the things I was buying. I had to start looking at packaging and buying the items with the least packaging. I bought cloth bags so that I didn't need to use those plastic bags from the grocery store or any other store. I think we forget sometimes and think that they are only for groceries! And, if I'm buying something small I ask the cashier to please skip the bagging. These small things do add up and make a difference. Think about how many bags would not go into a landfill or into a recycling bin if everyone in the US just skipped the bagging once a week! Wow! Now that's a small, painless step for everyone to make a difference.

I also started to really thing about my trips into Concord and tried to make sure it was only once a week rather than nightly.

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